Human sources of greenhouse gases are:
Electricity production 25%
(When coal and natural gas (methane) are used to produce electricity, CO2 is released into the atmosphere.)
Food, Agriculture, land use 24%
(This figure includes burning of forests(deforestation) to create places to grow food for animals that we eat, methane produced by livestock, and nitrous oxide produced by over fertilization).
Industry, making things 21%
(Fossil Fuels are burned to create the high temperatures needed to create steel and other products. The chemical process to make cement also releases large amounts of CO2.)
Transportation of ourselves and our goods 14%
(This figure includes road vehicles 10%; air travel 2%; boats, trains, etc. 2%)
Buildings 6 %
(This figure includes heating, cooling and hot water for personal dwellings 4% and public buildings 2%)
Other 10%
(These greenhouse gases are a result of leakage in the energy industry, in refining, transporting and other miscellaneous areas.)
Video: Project Drawdown’s "Climate Solutions 101, Unit 3, Reducing Sources"
(from Our World In Data; stats are from 2016)